Behind the Scenes — Drama Club Skits

Manuel Paz, Barbara Calienes, Writer


LIGHTS. CAMERA. ACTION! On Tuesday, December 20, the drama club practiced their skits for the Friday incentive day at Lincoln Middle School after school in the auditorium. Mrs. Avila and Mrs. Galella supervise the drama club, skillfully guiding students, and facilitating rehearsal. The student skits rehearsed were original parodies of popular Christmas songs with a twist.  Mrs. Avila, one of the teachers for this event, said, “This was something done in the past, [and we] came up with this instead of doing the Haunted Hallway.” 

Caption: Mrs. Galella and Mrs. Avila facilitate the Rehearsal


Even more astonishing is the amount of effort required to design such skits. Through the modification of wording, such as the change from “true love” to “best friend,” the actors themselves played a role in designing their parodies. After a while of planning and editing, the students entered the nerve-wracking process of practicing for the big show. After all, they act in front of fellow students, friends, and teachers. Several practice days will finally pay off on Friday, December 23rd, preparing them for the grand live event of performing in front of the entire student body and staff. 

After witnessing a drama club skit practice, we interviewed some actors contributing to this humorous performance. Each offered unique insight concerning the behind-the-scenes work going on. One group of students explained the different roles that students played, from lighting control and backstage crew to on-stage actors and instrumental musicians. Most of this project was student-led, and actors got to do what they felt most comfortable doing. As explained by one student, student actors implemented a voting process to determine who would play which part.

The most impressive thing was that this whole thing was student-led! A student said they came up with the parodied songs themselves! “They have been doing this for the past two weeks,” as Mrs. Avila stated, “and the students have done their choreography and their music themselves!” Indeed an impressive act to do in front of the school in under a month.

In conclusion, the hard-working drama club teachers and the ingenuity of the drama club students are to thank you for a beautiful performance on December 23rd. By interviewing the actors and supervisors, one can develop a greater appreciation for their efforts.  For the very purpose of entertaining and amusing their audience, the LMS Drama Club was able to put together a performance unlike any other. Let us all give a round of applause for the Drama Club’s incredible show!