Start of Volleyball Season at LMS

Barbara Calienes, Valerie Marquez, Writer

Bump, set, and spike, do you know what these words mean? Starring Mr. Severino and Mr. Augustine as the coaches of the volleyball team, they can teach you about almost anything in volleyball! Mr. Severino has been coaching volleyball for fifteen years, and Mr. Augustine has been coaching volleyball for four years. These two people are the ones who have run the volleyball team at LMS for the past four years. 

This team has been running for a couple of years now, but this year is more special because this is the biggest team they’ve ever had! Mr. Severino says, “This is the biggest team we’ve got; when we first started, there were 45 kids, now there are around 100 kids”. Around 100 kids in just one team, Mr. Severino thinks it’s because “This sport is growing in popularity in Kearny. The high school team has been very successful, and the kids see that, making them want to play. They invite their friends to play a game, and they enjoy it.”

In the starting weeks of the volleyball team, Mr. Severino and Mr. Augustine have been helping the players get used to the rules and basic skills of volleyball while learning sportsmanship. Some players are advanced, so what they can do is, “Advanced players can help beginner players, be used as examples, or student teachers to help the new players.” So now, the advanced players can put their expertise into play.

The LMS volleyball club is amazing, filled with many opportunities to either improve or learn a skill with the help of the coaches, Mr. Severino and Mr. Augustine. So if you’re ever interested in playing volleyball, go down to the gym Mondays and Wednesdays after school to join the volleyball team here at LMS.