4 Fun Science Experiments You Can Do Using Simple Items!

April 30, 2021
Do you want to know how to do easy (and fun) science experiments so you can amaze and entertain your friends? If yes, then you came to the right place. Today I will be giving you instructions on how to do 4 fun science experiments you can do using simple items. Let’s get started!
1- Pop A Balloon With An Orange Peel:
Items Needed:
- Balloons
- An Orange
So how this experiment works is you have to first fill up one or two balloons. Then you cut a piece of the orange with a knife, but make sure some orange is left on the peel. Then put the balloon a safe distance from you and squeeze the orange peel so the orange drops fall on the balloon. The Limonene from the orange droplets should pop the balloon because it dissolves the rubber. This will take a few tries so don’t get mad if it doesn’t work.
2- Sink Science:
Items needed:
- Bathroom sink or kitchen sink.
- Markers
- Paper Towels
Cut the paper towels into a variety of shapes. Then cover the paper town with dots of different colors using the markers. Next, fill up your sink a bit and then throw the paper towels in a “swirl” motion. The marker ink will start to go into the water creating a swirl of beautiful colors.
3- Make Foam:
Items Needed:
- A Transparent Bowl
- A Glass Cup
- Baking Soda
- Vinegar
- Measuring Cups
- Food dye (optional)
Put your bowl on a surface and then put the glass cup in the middle of the bow (open-side up). Then take a cup that measures either ½ cup or 1 cup and fill it up with baking soda. Pour it inside the glass cup. Then, take about 1 cup ½ of vinegar and pour some droplets of food dye on it (optional). Next, pour the vinegar into the baking soda and watch foam form!
4- Instant Freeze Water:
Items Needed:
- A Freezer
- A Filled Water Bottle
Put the water bottle into your freezer for 2 hours. The reason why it’s 2 hours is because the water bottle will be really close to freezing but still in liquid form. Then take it out and put it on a kitchen counter or a solid surface. Next (here comes the fun part), slam in on the counter and see what happens! The reason why the entire bottle froze is because the process of nucleation occurs and it means that the entire bottle freezes and crystallizes. Pretty cool right?
So these are the fun experiments. Please enjoy them and make sure to show your friends and family. See you next time!