The guard holding me split me from the rest of my friends putting me in a weird room with weapons. He explained in sign that I was in an arena, I had to fight some weird monster, and that I should prepare. I was internally freaking out and still trying to understand that magic was real but that would need to be thought about later. Right now I needed to figure out what armor would fit me because all of the armor here was for seven foot green warriors. While I was a pale, black haired, green eyed, 5 foot 7 human in eleventh grade. Oh and did I mention all the weapons were almost two tons each?
I saw a clock in the corner and it was ticking down to a red line five minutes away and he had said that when it hits red, you will begin, so I guess he meant the clock. It was ticking and I still had no armor and no weapon I could use. I was getting frantic. I picked up one of the weird sticks. It looked like it had a hollow glass orb with a small hole in the top. There were a few others like it but they were the only thing that didn’t seem like I would break my arm just by touching it. After I picked it up, this weird compartment opened in the wall on the side. There were different colored liquids, but all the names and instructions were in whatever language they used. I grabbed one of each color and I threw them in my giant cargo pants pockets. I knew that my friends were wrong about them only having junk in them, but I don’t know what the liquids do so I guess this is junk for now. The clock only had a minute and thirty seconds left, I looked at my staff and I grabbed another bottle off the shelf. The time was ticking, I walked up to the door hoping I was ready for whatever they could throw at me.
I walked out slowly. There was a cube force field thing around the arena with pillars going to the ceiling. There were no other doors, but there was a cage hanging from the center of the ceiling. It had what looked like a mutated Rhino; it was purple and marbled with four horns instead of one. It was 14 feet tall with green eyes and battle armor that was on the head and body. Around me there were spectators in the arena cheering in their language. I searched for my friends, but I couldn’t see them before the cage dropped and the animal started running at me. I threw one of the bottles at him but it didn’t do much. I dropped one on the floor because of my shaky hands and the rhino creature slipped. I saw the hole in the top of the glass orb on my staff and thought, it’s better to try than get killed by a giant purple rhino. I poured a green bottle into the hole and hoped something would happen, nothing did. By now the rhino got up and ran at me again, I tried to read the bottle but I still couldn’t so I screamed. I shut my eyes and tried to think of anything I could do, anything. Next thing I knew I was flying above the rhino looking thing. The orb was fully green and glowing, the rhino tried to jump and get to me but he was too heavy to jump that high.
There was booing all around me but I could barely hear them. I was still so confused on how it happened. I had started to descend, so I tried screaming again and I went higher. I held on to the stick for dear life as the green potion started to get used up. I grabbed another one of the other bottles that was purple. As the last of my flight potion drained I poured in the other one and I started to fall. I was scared into silence, but the potion didn’t do anything. I started to say random things but nothing seemed to activate it until I screamed right above the rhino’s mouth. Then my arms grew a few feet and became stretchy like rubber. I wrapped each of my limbs around pillars and launched myself away from the Rhino’s mouth.
I stayed above him hanging on to the pillars until the potion ran out. While I was high up, I was deciding which of my two last potions to use. When the red potion broke in my pocket after being between me and the pillar for too long, it burned my leg. I screamed and tried to pour the only other bottle I had, a blue one. My hands were shaking with pain as my limbs started to become normal, I only got about half the bottle in when I hit the ground and screamed louder than before. Everything hurt and all I could do was sit there as he charged at me. Before it got to me, blue smoke started coming out of my ears and once he breathed it in, he collapsed. I slowly stood supported by a pillar and one leg and yelled, “ I WON THIS STUPID CHALLENGE LET ME AND MY FRIENDS GO YOU MONSTERS!” With that the rest of my strength left and I fell.
I woke up dizzy but not in pain which was the weirdest part. All I can remember is getting hurt and screaming a lot. I looked around. There were small bandages all over my arms and Charlie was laying in a bed next to me on my right by the wall. The burn on my leg was completely gone. I thought how long have I been here?! I fell from the top of the pillar, how is nothing broken?! My thoughts started to take over until I heard a door open. I slowly turned my head to the left, a goblin and Nico came in. When they saw me awake they ran over and started babbling tons of questions. Then capo put a hand on their shoulder and then the weirdest thing happened. Nico spoke not their language but one they both understood, it was broken and off pitch but he understood. I said slightly drowsy and delirious, “Wat goin on?” Nico turned to me and explained I had won and the goblin accepted us. Apparently I had also been asleep for two days. Theo called my parents and said we were having a sleepover for a few days during spring break. Nico also explained that they spoke three languages, their own language, sign language, and a very old broken type of Italian. The king interrupted saying, “Per favore, dì a questo umano che vorremmo un trattato di pace, ti aiuteremo e in cambio tu aiuterai noi. Che ne dici, ho un consigliere reale pronto a redigerlo?” Apparently he said “Please tell this human that we would like a peace treaty; we will help you and in return you will help us. What do you say? I can have a royal advisor ready to draft it?” I was so confused but I agreed and he left. Nico continued to tell me that they were all stuck as stone because of the blue rock I broke, now their kingdom is in anarchy. Their food and most of their medicine went bad, most of their allies were gone, and they were scared to go to the surface. They kept explaining about the people when the earth shook and the banging started. Slowly chanting and marching could be heard; Nico and I walked to the window on the far side of the room and saw an army of goblins with a human leading them. They were approaching fast and as they got closer I could make out who it was… ADELYNN! She was a kid from my math class. I saw that she was wearing a glowing crown. Guards started screaming, Nico looked at me and I looked at her. I grabbed my staff and some potions on the side table next to my bed and we all ran out of the room.